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Bradymom's Blog

She's ruining her daughter.

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Seriously so petty & gross. We had SD for a few days. Sent her back to bio moms for the night. Her hair was done, nails & toes too. Because it was freezing outside we did inside activities. My daughter was there, so us girls did girl things. (A side note- bio mom allows polish- so that's not the reason.) She was literally at her moms for 18 hours! Bio mom brushed out her hair (she's not bathed- so that's not the reason) & wet it into a slicked backed mess of ratty rubber bands (bio mom NEVER does her hair) It was curled, with no rubber bands, so that wasn't the issue.

If it weren't for them things would be flawless.

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I love my husband more than I can express. He is the most amazing person I have ever met, hands down. But honestly if I knew what was in store for us I really don't know if I would have chose to do this to us. His ex is insanely jealous of me & of the fact he moved on & that I'm not even in the same category as far as looks. Her & her family is terrible, sexually perverse**. It drives me mad. She is remarried. Was remarried first. That doesn't matter. She contacts my ex. They work together. We are in court constantly. It's miserable.

Steering the family.

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Every time I turn around my RSS13 (rude step son) is manipulating what we do. My DH is one who says things like "if you don't ask the answer is always no" So his kids have grow up asking constantly for everything under the sun. My DH is just now beginning to say "no" I'm pretty sure before I came along they never heard that word. They get whatever they want at gas stations... To the point they'll take one bite out of a candy & leave the rest. Take one sip out of a water bottle, etc. Finally after pointing this out to my DH & saying we really need to reel this in.

I try. But fail.

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I really try. But to be honest... I get all excited to do good, thinking about the visit. If we are doing something special... I plan it out to make it memorable. I try to do for the step kids what I would for mine. In my head I think how great it'll be then... They come & within a short time, minutes, I'm in my head mumbling over their constant talking. In addition to being ungrateful, they're just annoying to me. I love kids. I work with kids. I love my kid's friends. I love my friend's kids. I love random kids at random places. I feel like there's something wrong with me.

Silent night. How would it be? Haha

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My skids talk non-f'n-stop!!! We give them a lot of attention. Our house is kid central. No cable tv. Limited video games. We do a lot outside. In the winter- games at the table. Puzzles. Family video game tournaments. Baking. At bio moms it's the total opposite. They have video games, iPads, cell phone, tv, computers all the time. Bedtime is at 730 there. Weekends too. In bed with iPad. Even the 13 year old! I know when we get them they are starved for attention, my DH is great to talk and talk and talk with them. Lots of listening. But holy crap. It never ends. No quiet time.

Bawl baby titty mouth

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My husband I do EVERYTHING together. From showering, to going to work, to laundry, to going to bed at the same time. (We do things with our friends & siblings separate sometimes) ... But you get the jist. When my kids are here, it's the same. When his kids show up--- it's not at all. He starts a movie; doesn't tell me, makes food; doesn't make any for me... No consideration at all for me & our usual routine of things.

I know I sound like a bawl baby titty mouth... But it gets old, coming in and screwing with my happy place. Haha.

Not the same

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A couple weeks ago DH got after ss13 pretty good. He's been a lil a-hole for far too long. DH told him if he came with his shit ass attitude one more time he would be excluding him from fun activities. One week later he come with an over the top attitude. DH lost it on him. Made him work, bitched him out on & off while working in the yard with him for an hour & a half. Then told him the family was going to a football game & he was not going. Well... Ss had a complete turn around. We followed thru and he didn't go with us. It was hard. Really hard.

Facing the demons.

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I have a very serious situation. My children's counselors have been very divisive... Long story. But basically bio dad calls them constantly & makes the kids tell them things. Bad things about me. Basically that I'm mean, sleeping all the time, acting crazy, yelling, etc. It came to a head this past spring. The counselor wrote a damning letter & bio dad filed a restraining order. The kids were taken from me very traumatically.
