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Aniki-Moderator's Blog

DH: 1, BioHo: 0

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BioHo has been calling DH for several days now. He hasn't answered and she has not 1) left a voice mail, or b) texted about wth she wants. DH does not respond to missed calls unless they're me, one of the skids, or work/doctor related. 

Cue 'Ho using a SS19's phone. DH puts all calls on speakerphone. Every single one. *diablo*
If you've forgotten, DH has a potty mouth - courtesy of the Marine Corps - and no patience with 'Ho. And I find it absolutely hilarious!

OT - Thankful Thursday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Hurray for Thursday! Sorry I'm so late, but it's been a busy day. 

I am thankful for: 

  • Snow! It's beautiful out there. Keep coming down, lovely little ice crystals! *yahoo*
  • DH's new phone arriving so quickly. He is a big crankypants when he can't read his news.
  • You. Yes, YOU! In case no one told you today: you're beautiful, special, and needed. So many of you I'd love to chat with over a cup of coffee or tea or a glass of wine. <3


Hope you're having a good day! *give_rose*


OT - Toxic Tuesday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

In the midst of the holiday season - and all of the stress that goes with it - the last thing you need is a Toxic Person adding the proverbial straw that breaks the camel's back. We’ve all had the misfortune of toxic people in our lives. They can appear in the form of coworkers, friends, and family members. You need to either eliminate these people from your life or learn how to deal with them effectively.

Toxic people are not caring, supportive, or interested in what’s important or best for you. Here are several ways that toxic behavior can manifest:


BioHo and SD25's dwindling attendants Part Deux

Aniki-Moderator's picture

SS19 just left. He came to pick up DH's truck (borrowing it to help a buddy move some furniture) and stayed for lunch. DH is sleeping. We have a ton of barbecue pork so I asked SS19 if he wanted some lunch. What 19yo, hardworking young man turns down one of his fave (and free) foods? Because he loves them, I also made him some tater tots. 

BioHo and SD25's dwindling bridal attendants

Aniki-Moderator's picture

SD25's wedding is next month. (DH and I are sooooo looking forward to the day AFTER the wedding!) 

Three months ago, SD25 "uninvited" Mrs SS22 from bridesmaid duty (last paragraph of this blog:

Last week, another bridesmaid got the boot.
